Saturday, November 18, 2006

MTB & BMX Trick Tips

Hop - While rolling slowly compress down on your bike by bending your legs and arms. When you spring up, pull up on the handle bars, point your toes down and smear your foot back on the pedals to take the bike with you as you hop up. Once you have mastered this, try hopping with locked brakes (pressed brakes) without moving around too much, the less you hop around from place to place the better your balance is. Then as you get better try to hop from side to side, criss cross, and forward. The backhop is explained later on.

Wheelie - Before you run off and try to wheelie right away, try to keep in mind some very important safety measures which you should take. When wheeliing it is very easy to over pedal and fall backwards therfore you always need to keep a finger on the rear brake lever so you can level out the bike immidietaly to prevent falling back in the first place. For the first few tries I would also recommend to wear a helmet and/or even a spine guard.

Start riding slowly, lean back with extended arms, and give your drivetrain a quick burst of pedal strokes while pulling back on the handlebar. Once the front of your bike is lifting up you should try to find the perfect balance point at which you feel comfortable without having the feeling of falling backwards. If you feel like your falling backwards feather the brakes a bit so that your bike level back out to the correct point of balance. If you feel like the front end is diving down again try to accelerate your pedaling a bit. It is also important that you keep a good side to side balance in the wheelie which will automatically come with pratice and extensive trying.

Bunnyhop - To learn a bunnyhop you should already know how to do a normal hop and to manual. It is even prefered if you know how to hop on the rear wheel first as it will help you a whole lot with the lift off process involved in the motion.

As you approach the obstacle compress your arms and legs down, pull up and back with your arms to bring the front tire up. As you reach the peak of you and your bike's extended height (you should be completely upright, your legs should be fully extended and the handlebar should pulled all the way toward your staight and upright body) you should, in one fluid motion suck the rear of the bike up to match the front tire's height. Now hold this position until you have cleared the object then fully extend the rear tire toward the ground again in order to soften the landing.


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